

What is AutoHotkey. AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds ...

AutoHotkey Script Showcase

This script makes mousing with your keyboard almost as easy as using a real mouse (maybe even easier for some tasks). It supports up to five mouse buttons and ...

AutoHotkey 初学者向导

Learn how to download and install AutoHotkey, to create a script, to use hotkeys and hotstrings, to send keystrokes, to run programs, etc.


2023年5月5日 — 如果你像我一樣,在遇上經常需要重覆執行的動作就會想辦法簡化或建立範本優化流程的話,今天介紹的AutoHotKey自動化工具你一定不可以錯過。

Beginner Tutorial

Learn how to download and install AutoHotkey, to create a script, to use hotkeys and hotstrings, to send keystrokes, to run programs, etc.

Beginner Tutorial

Learn how to download and install AutoHotkey, to create a script, to use hotkeys and hotstrings, to send keystrokes, to run programs, etc.

How to Use AutoHotkey

2023年8月31日 — AutoHotkey is a free Windows scripting language that allows you to program different actions with various keyboard shortcuts.

Scripting Language

An AutoHotkey script is basically a set of instructions for the program to follow, written in a custom language exclusive to AutoHotkey. This language bears ...


WhatisAutoHotkey.AutoHotkeyisafree,open-sourcescriptinglanguageforWindowsthatallowsuserstoeasilycreatesmalltocomplexscriptsforallkinds ...,Thisscriptmakesmousingwithyourkeyboardalmostaseasyasusingarealmouse(maybeeveneasierforsometasks).Itsupportsuptofivemousebuttonsand ...,LearnhowtodownloadandinstallAutoHotkey,tocreateascript,tousehotkeysandhotstrings,tosendkeystrokes,torunprograms,etc.,2023...